Friday, April 18, 2014

Friday, nice people

This morning as I stopped to put Vaseline on my feet and have a snack, a woman came by, asked if I needed anything, she was so nice, I could have talked to her all day..I've forgotten her name, I think it was Maggie or Margaret...thank you for coming by, brightened my morning.
In the early fatter noon, Jason stopped, he was great, (and cute too), he told me about a different route to take, as the one I had was going to become a dirt road, I wasn't sure, I didn't want to go out of the way....Jason left, only to. Ome back a bit later, he drove the route and clocked the nice of him...thank you Jason ...I wish you the best
I've got a few pictures, but the service is so bad I can't upload them, going to have to wait til later

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you're doing well, and meeting some nice people, and having some fun. Keep it up I'm rooting for you.

